
Description is the fiction-writing mode for transmitting a mental image of the particulars of a story.

Features that we provide

We provide the following features to make your app fulfilled.

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Mobile Wallet

Our mobile wallet service includes deployment on Android, iOS, and web along  with analytics, push notifications, scan and pay, and other native features.

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Market-Fit Modules

Deployment of modules like NCHL, NPS, Paypoint, Khalti, eSewa, NEA, NTC, Flight Direct, Nepal QR and more for seamless Nepalese market compatibility.

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Wallet System

Analytics, HRM, CRM, User Mgmt, Merchants, Agents, Permissions, NRB Reports, Real-time Settlement, QR Code, OTP, Biometric Auth, Secure Payments.

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Campaign Modules

Campaigns for Refer & Earn, Voting, Ticketing, Event Mgmt, Shop Mgmt for comprehensive campaign management and engaging user experiences.

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Wallet Reconciliation & Settlement

Real time reconciliation and settlement with manual Reconciliation and settlement management and transaction reporting with visualisation.

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Customer Management

User audit trail, User session trail, Customer grievance portal, Primary and Secondary balance management, Login activity management, Save payments

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Server Orchestration

Deployment, Server Co-location, ISO-8583 Middleware, NTC SMSC Integration, API Reselling, Open APIs, GOAML, End-to-end encrypted KYC for robust and secure solutions.

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Custom Features

Wallet Blogs and SEO, Wallet Landing page, Credit Scoring, Micropayments, Micro lending, Bulk Payments, Salary Distribution, event management and many more.